woman in red crossing road

Olivia’s Pedestrian Accident Settles for £25,000 (Ballywalter)

Olivia left a local shop in Ballywalter and was standing ready to cross the road when a vehicle suddenly reversed into her and knocked her down.

Police arrived on the scene to assist Olivia and determine what had happened. After the accident she went to a doctor where she discovered that she sustained a fractured right wrist and soft tissue injuries to her elbow, shoulder, arm and left side.

Olivia contacted Paschal O’Hare to pursue compensation

Olivia contacted Paschal O’Hare Solicitors with a view to claim for compensation after hearing about us on the radio. We obtained third party details from the police before writing to the defendant’s insurer. The insurer agreed to deal with the claim and our solicitors had her medically examined by a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon who advised that her symptoms should resolve within 12 months but she may be left with some minor long term symptoms in her wrist.

We served the medical evidence to the insurer, who initially offered £15,000. Our expert solicitors told the insurer this couldn’t be agreed and after some negotiation, they came up to the sum of £20,000 We discussed this with the client, but it became apparent that she had subsequently developed some psychological symptoms including fear of going out which had reduced her independence.

We had her medically examined by a Consultant Psychiatrist who advised she would benefit from Cognitive Behavioural therapy. We served this report on the insurers and negotiated a settlement of £25,000.

If you were injured like Olivia, learn more about our pedestrian accident service or contact us for a free no obligation discussion with our solicitors.