bus stop in the night

Alex’s Glider accident settles for £17,500 (Belfast)

Alex was a passenger on a Translink Glider that was travelling through Belfast City Centre. As the vehicle was travelling on Victoria Street, a third-party vehicle emerged from a side road, causing the driver of the Glider to emergency stop. Alex was thrown from his seat and sustained injuries to his knees and wrists.

Alex contacted Paschal O’Hare Personal Injury Solicitors

Once Alex consulted with one of our solicitors, we contacted Translink to obtain CCTV footage of the incident, and successfully obtained that third party vehicle’s insurance details. Thereafter, we informed their insurer of our intention to claim for personal injury, loss, and suffering. We had Alex examined by a consultant Orthopaedic surgeon, who produced a report detailing the nature of Alex’s injuries.

From the outset, Alex informed his solicitor that he had not been able to run or exercise as a result of the injury. He was advised that this would be considered a loss of amenity, and that this would be considered when negotiating his settlement.

After medical evidence was served, negotiations commenced, and Alex’s case settled for £17,500.

If you were involved in a public transport accident like Alex, we are here to help. Please contact us for a no obligation enquiry today.